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[2012 University Evaluation] "We are the Kings of Theses!" N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2012.11.02 18:03
  • Views : 12411
Professor Jang, Seong-ho 1st in the medical sector / Professor Park, Han-woo 2nd in the humanities and sociology sector
[October 9, 2012]
 Professor Jang, Seong-ho (left) who won the King of Theses for the medical sector and Professor Park, Han-woo who won second place in the humanities and sociology sector in the 2012 Joongang-ilbo University Evaluations
 Professor Jang, Seong-ho (49) of the YU Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, won the 'King of Theses' award in the medical sector for the individual international theses performance evaluation of nation's professors.
 In an article on the 9th, Joongang-ilbo announced the results of evaluating the number of international theses published by individual professors for the first time this year in its 2012 University Evaluations. According to this, Professor Jang published 50 SCI-level theses last year, thus winning first place in the medical field. Professor Jang, who is a globally recognized scholar in the brain rehabilitation sector, said, "Research on brain motor system rehabilitation began worldwide in the 1990s, but it is still in its infancy," adding, "There are limitless potentials if students of science concentrate on researching this field." The YU's support is contributing greatly in Professor Jang's research. Director of the YU Office of Funded Research
 Jung, Jae-hak stated, "YU provides full support such as giving two research assistants every semester to professors with excellent research performance."
 During its evaluation of theses, Joongang-ilbo used 51,154 of 86,055 theses published in academic journals of the 'upper 60%' (OrnIF score of 2 or higher) among SCI-level international academic journals in 2011. The scores were calculated by multiplying the level of contribution in the paper by the individual professor and the influence index of each journal.
 Meanwhile, Professor Park, Han-woo (41) of the YU Department of Media and Communication was placed second in the humanities and sociology sector. Professor Park who is a famous expert on 'webometrics', which refers to the quantitative analysis of the web, published 12 SCI-level theses last years. This is about 7.5 times more than the average number of international theses (1.6) per professor of the 102 universities that were evaluated. Professor Park is achieving great results in research based on social network analysis via website contents and hyperlinks.