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\"The Advancement to UN, Prepare and Challenge Like This\" N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2012.01.12 11:52
  • Views : 13046

UN affiliated OPCW Inspector Kim, Seup alumnus (Department of Chemistry, 81), special lecture at his alma mater
[June 29, 2011]

 “While Korea is about rank 10 in the share of expenses by UN members in 2010∼2011, the number of Korean people who have advanced to world\'s international organizations such as UN with tens of thousands of people is merely about 300. This is ridiculously little number compared to our country\'s contribution to UN. So I stand here today. I ask all of you to raise the status of Korean people by making advancement to international organizations such as UN.”

 At 10 AM of the 29th, At the Legal Building Room. 525 of Yeungnam University, a special lecture inviting Inspector Kim, Seup (50) of UN affiliated ‘Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’(OPCW) (50) (see photo) started. Despite the sign of heat wave recording 27℃from the morning, about 80 students dreaming of getting into UN affiliated organizations or international organizations have filled the lecture hall.

 Inspector Kim invited as speaker is Class of 81 who entered Chemistry Department of Yeungnam University and Class 23 of ROTC. He is standing in front of his younger alumni as he lives a new life of an international public official at Hague, Netherlands where OPCW is located since 2005 after wrapping up the life of a military officer for about 20 years.

 His main duties are to perform inspection and investigation activities related to chemical weapons by going around about 180 OPCW member countries. He says the days spent abroad are as many as 200 per year from performing important duties as an inspection team manager.

 The reason why he went through the trouble of visiting Yeungnam University in his busy schedule was because there was something he really wanted to say to the younger students. He wanted to let them know that opportunities come for sure if you draw a bigger picture toward a greater world by escaping from the \'frog in a small pond\' mentality.

 “You never know what kind of international organization will appear all the sudden within international state of affairs getting changed each day. The OPCW which I\'m working for is also the one created all the sudden as a result of Strategic Arms Reduction Talks between United States and Soviet Union in 1997. So the new employment reaching up to about 500 people took place at the time and the many people who were working in the field of chemistry caught the opportunity of getting into an international organization. So you should also prepare for this. The opportunity will surely come someday even if it might be right now.”

 The method of getting into an international organization he had presented was more simple than expected. In case of UN for instance, they give employment announcement for 2 months through internet homepage and all you have to do is submit an application through e-mail by selecting the area of work which is appropriate for your major. However, it is necessary to well package your experience and motive for applying according to the qualifications required by each organization. In fact, you can become an employee of international organization if you pass the first interview over e-mail or phone and the final interview on the spot after submitting the documents. He emphasized that it is worth the challenge by saying \"just being selected as a interview candidate is a great fortune because most international organizations pay for the flight and lodging as well as the daily wage for the interview period during the interview on the spot\".

 The employment of international organizations is limited to the citizens of member states. But it is same as having no entrance barrier since our country has joined most international organizations. Also, you can always catch the opportunity when it comes if you manage your social experience well under a long-term plan because most international organizations require social experience after graduating university. However, he emphasizes that you must keep practicing foreign language skills at all times.

 “English is a must. All you have to do is keep studying the English you have been learning to prepare for employment at the university without stopping after getting a job. And to acquire a little more advantage, it would be nice to learn one of French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese or Arabic.”

 He said it is still disappointing that there isn\'t much interest in the provincial areas yet although the interest is getting greater among the university students of metropolitan area such as the international organization employment study getting active due to the fact that UN Secretary General Ban, Ki-Mun has set a record of succeeding in becoming a first Asian to serve consecutive terms in 45 years. He wrapped up the special lecture of this day by saying \"International organization do not have unreasonable discrimination against people from provincial universities and also do not have discrimination on race or nationality. The opportunity is open as much as you are prepared. Prepare little by little starting now. And the competition is naturally always fierce as the opportunity gets better. Make the challenge until you succeed without being afraid of failure. Although I also a bitter cup of coffee in 2003, I could make the opportunity that came as mine as a result of keep preparing without giving up\" and \"Make the challenge by looking at the farther, wider and greater world. I\'ll be looking forward to meeting one of you in the international stage after ten years\".