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100% English Lectures, Opening of the \'School of International Studies’ N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2010.05.28 16:09
  • Views : 15785

Bachelor\'s degree offered for \'co-major\' in international studies
Start of ‘inbound’ globalization
[Feb 25, 2010]

 Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-soo) will be establishing the \'School of International Studies\' in the new semester. The School of International Studies, which is offered for international and domestic students who wish to take the courses as a part of their co-major, will have 100% English lectures. 

 The School of International Studies will offer 9 classes this semester such as the \'Understanding of the Korean and Key Capital Markets\', \'Korean History and Culture\', \'Environment and Practices of Business in Asia and Korea\', \'Korean Currency Policies and Financial System\', ‘International Relations in East Asia’, ‘Understanding of Current Korean Economy’, ‘Global Economic Issues’, ‘Korea in East Asia’, and \'Everyday Practical Korean Language\'. Lectures will be conducted by Byeon, Jong-guk, Lee, Jae-hoon, Jeon, In (School of Business), Shim, Sang-min (Department of Korean Language and Literature), Park, Chu-hwa, Lee, Byeong-wan (School of Economics and Finance), Jung, Jun-pyo, Lee, Yoo-shin (Department of Political Science and Diplomacy), Thomas Duvernay and Wendy Worthington (School of General Education).

 Students that completed 42 credit units in courses offered by the School of International Studies will, upon graduation, also receive a bachelor\'s degree in International Studies.

 On this, Joo, Sang-woo (51, School of Mechanical Engineering), Vice-President of Office of International Programs, explained that \"We aim at attracting outstanding students from abroad actively and creating an environment where domestic students can improve their English skills and have a global perspective without necessarily having to go study abroad.\"

 This is in part with the internationalization strategy of Yeungnam University that pursues inbound globalization that receives talented students from abroad, as well as outbound globalization that sends talents trained at our school to the world. In particular, with the establishment of the School of International Studies in the first semester, inbound globalization will be offered by relaying or downloading lectures of prestigious foreign schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Oxford, etc through online video lecture systems in the second semester in order to make the campus a \'size-down global village\'.

 Meanwhile, international students enrolled at Yeungnam University as of the second semester of 2009 is 1,008 from 17 different nations, and 598 of them are undergraduate school students.