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“When in Rome, do as the Romans do!” N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2010.03.05 09:31
  • Views : 14617

Guest university professor Qian of the Yeungnam University WCU Nano Project Team, Lectures on ways for successful studies abroad
[Dec 4, 2009]

 \"You are much better and superior than I am. Be confident when studying abroad. And do not hang out too much with people from your country. Just like the old saying, \'When in Rome, do as the Romans do\', when going to another country do your best to quickly adapt to the culture and people of that nation.\"

 A very special lecture was held at the Songam Hall at the Mechanical Engineering Hall of Yeungnam University on the 4th at 2pm. Shizhi Qian (48), who came to the School of Mechanical Engineering in September as a guest for the WCU Nano Project Team, stood on the podium for Chinese students studying abroad.

 Qian graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, which is one of the most prestigious engineering schools in China and then acquired a PhD in the US. Qian is a Chinese person who became a successful university professor in the US. Qian has also showed vigorous research capacities in publishing 9 SCI theses just last year in the nano-particles, micro-fluids and sensors sectors, and is a world-renown scholar.

 In this day\'s special lecture titled \'Successfully Studying Abroad\', Professor Qian used examples of episodes that he had while studying abroad and settling down, and was more than willing to give his advice.

 Stating that he \"realized the meaning of the saying that ‘there is always someone on step ahead of you\' while living abroad\" and stated that he \"had no choice but to study hard since he came to a far away country with the goal of studying. That\'s why I spent many nights in a sleeping bag in the lab while being an international student.\" He emphasized that the first secret to success in studying abroad was \'diligence\'.

 The second secret to success while studying abroad was to \'admit what you don\'t know and not to be afraid of questioning and debating\'. He pointed out that \"Asian students have a cultural tendency not to ask questions even if there are problems that they don\'t know and that this wastes much time and effort.\" He stressed that \"questioning and debating will help make studying much more productive.\"

 In addition, he discussed his experience while publishing his SCI thesis and said, \"I was at first disappointed with my professor who made me edit my paper for over a year when I first published my thesis, but now I cannot be more thankful. Because of his strict guidance, I am now able to publish my SCI thesis without getting help from anybody else, and I can now teach my students as well.\" He added, that the third secret to success was \'not to dislike your strict guidance professor\'.

 Lastly, professor Qian also gave advice for successfully adapting to the local life. He stated, \"Though it may be human nature for people to depend upon and look for help from people with the same nationality when going abroad, but based on my experience, they are limited in the assistance they can provide because they are also foreigners.\" He one again emphasized \"not to forget the meaning of the proverbial saying of \'When in Rome, do as the Romans do\'.\"

 Meanwhile, there are 1,060 foreign students enrolled at Yeungnam University as of Dec 2009. From them 174 graduate students and 579 undergraduate students for a total of 929 students are from China.