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12 Engineering Education Programs Acquire \'Quality Certification\' N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2010.03.31 17:06
  • Views : 14885

[Jan 4, 2010]

 Yeungnam University(president Lee, Hyo-soo) acquired \'ABEEK certification\' for all engineering education programs, and is playing its cards against the difficulties in employment by fostering \'certified engineers\'.

 Yeungnam University, which became the first in Korea to receive \'ABEEK certification in three engineering schools in November 2001 with the School of Architecture, School of Mechanical Engineering and School of Display and Chemical Engineering, recently acquired ABEEK certification for all 12 engineering education programs. This is a record in the \'Korean\'s greatest number\' of ABEEK certification.

 Thus, a total of 12 ABEEK certified programs will be offered from this spring: 7 programs in the college of engineering (Civil Engineering, Mechanical System, Mechanical Design, Mechanical Advanced Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Display and Chemical Engineering), 3 programs in the School of Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering and Computer Science (Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering), School of Textiles (Fibers and Nano Materials Engineering) and School of Architecture. In particular, the Mechanical System, Mechanical Design, Display and Chemical Engineering progrmas, which have been offered since 2001, was recognized for its excellence and have already received certification in the NGR evaluation (Next General Review).

 \'ABEEK certification\' is a certificate given to students who completed engineering education programs according to the education objectives, standards and guidelines set by ‘ABEEK’(Accreditation Board for Engineering Education of Korea, director, Yun, Jong-yong) and is basically a \'quality certification mark\' for engineering education. ABEEK, which was established in 1999 modeled after the ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) of the US, requires the satisfaction of a total of 8 certification standards: program\'s educational objective, program learning performance and evaluation, curriculum area, student, faculty, education environment, education improvement, and standards per field of major.

 Accordingly, Yeungnam University became the first local university to install the \'Engineering Education Innovation Center\' and reorganized the engineering education composition, improved the education environment, and developed a consumer-oriented curriculum and teaching method to innovate the overall engineering education. In May 2007, on-site investigations for a total of 12 engineering education programs, including the 3 departments in the past, were performed. In addition, by linking the ABEEK certification system with the graduation certification system in 2006, over 700 engineering students received ABEEK certification at the time of their graduation, and from 2010, when the 12 programs will be in full operation, annually 700 students are expected to graduate receiving ABEEK certification.

 Currently, those who completed the ABEEK certification program are the most popular employment candidate from related companies. In addition, by Korea becoming a member of the Washington Accord from 2007, students who completed ABEEK certification programs are qualified to apply to technician tests in 12 advanced nations including the US, England, Australia, and Canada, and when looking for jobs overseas, they are recognized as having the same educational background with local university graduates.

 On this, Shim, Jae-jin (52, School of Display and Chemical Engineering), director of the Engineering Education Innovation Center, emphasized its need by stating, \"In order to receive ABEEK certification, it requires much effort and investment such as complete innovation of the existing educational curriculum and teaching method. However, it is a requirement that cannot be delayed. This is because under an engineering education system that graduates students merely fill up their credit units, it is impossible to foster engineers demanded by the society.\"

 Meanwhile, as of November 2009, there are 275 programs in 41 universities that offer ABEEK certified programs in Korea.