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Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University, Clarifies \"Biological Sovereignty\" of Dokdo for the First Time In the World N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2010.01.14 08:48
  • Views : 15831

Autumn Academic Conference of Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University, Law School Library 3rd Floor in the afternoon of 9th
\'Uniqueness of natural ecosystem and Biological Diversity in Dokdo\'

 In commemoration of \'Dokdo Month\' which is October, Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-Soo) will announce the result of researching Dokdo in a natural ecological perspective of Dokdo on the coming 9th.

 From 1PM to 6PM of this day, an academic conference \'Uniqueness of natural ecosystem and Biological Diversity in Dokdo\' sponsored by the joint effort of Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University and Daegu Regional Environmental Office will be held at the medium conference hall on the 3rd floor of Law School Library at the Yeungnam University.

 This academic conference is an opportunity of presenting the results on \'Research on Dokdo ecosystem preservation and ocean environment & resource management plan\' promoted as a policy designated by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology since last year. The Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University which had opened up a first research institute specialized in Dokdo among domestic universities is performing policy development research to prove that the \"Dokdo is our land\" by getting the support of government funds for a total of 9 years as it has been designated as \'Priority Research Institute\' from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology since February of last year.

 This upcoming academic conference which will begin with \'One year of Dokdo\' of journalist Chun, Chung-Jin(Maeil Shinmun) who is the first domestic journalist to reside in Dokdo for 1 year will have a series of presentations, general discussions and questions & responses until 6PM in the order of \'Plants of Dokdo and Preservation Plans\' by Professor Park, Sun-Ju of Yeungnam University (Department of Biology), \'Global Warming and Change of Marine Ecosystem at Dokdo Coast\' by Doctor Kim, Mi-Kyung (Marine Science Research Center of Yeungnam University), \'Basic Research of Materials for Dokdo\'s Development\' by Professor Cho, Kye-Hyun of Yeungnam University (School of Materials Science and Engineering), \'Diversity of Dokdo\'s Insects\' by Professor Lee, Jong-Wook Department of Biology of Yeungnam University and \'Ecological Value of Dokdo and Migratory Birds\' by Professor Cho, Sam-Rae of Kongju University (Department of Biological Sciences).

 Especially, the team of Professor Park, Sun-Ju has found the fact that the biological sovereignty of Dokdo is the Republic of Korea for the first time by researching the origin of plants in Dokdo on a cytological level. The team of professor Park has clearly proven that Dokdo is a Korean territory even in ecological aspect by finding out the fact that the Aster spathulifolius Max. growing in Ulreungdo and Dokdo have become settled and spontaneous at the west coast of Japan as a result of performing research by selecting this plant that only grows in Korea and Japan.

 The team of Professor Lee, Jong-Wook has found out that a total of 11 orders 65 families 123 genuses and 124 species (excluding 22 unidentified) by newly discovering additional 2 families 10 genuses and 7 species (excluding 7 unidentified) such as Odonata Ischnura asiatica, Coleoptera Harpalus jureceki, Baris borkhsenii, Stephostethus chinensis, Lepidoptera Archippus oporanus, Cochylidia richteriana, Diptera Ensina sonchi, etc to the existing 11 orders 63 families 113 genuses and 117 species (excluding 15 unidentified) as a result of monitoring inspects of Dokdo and performing investigation for checking diversity. The team of professor Lee expects the diversity of insects living in Dokdo will become even greater if additional investigation is performed and the unidentified objects are identified.

 On the other hand, the Dokdo Institute of Yeungnam University is planning to open up an autumn academic conference at the grand conference hall of Pohang City Hall on November 7th with a theme called \'Thorough Analysis on 10 points of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.\' This academic conference held as a part of \'Old Maps/Data Exhibition of Donghae and Dokdo\' sponsored by Pohang City is prepared to develop a precise historical evidence and complementation logics after finding out the intentional distortion of historical materials and elaborate fabrication of history for assertion of Dokdo dominion by each item by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.