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Direct Rebuttal of Final Report on Japan Takeshima Issue N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2009.12.16 09:48
  • Views : 14957

Yeungnam University Dokdo Institute, Published Dokdo Research Collection Vol.3
Analyzed examination of Japanese research results with Japanese materials, found fabrication in each item

Planning to be published in English and Japanese versions

 Yeungnam University Dokdo Institute (Director Kim, Hwa-Kyung, \'Dokdo Institute\' hereafter) has published Dokdo Research Collection Vol.3 <Research for Establishing Dokdo Sovereignty>(Seoul, Kyung-in Publishing Co.). The result of interdisciplinary and international approach on Dokdo issue through research between academics by research teams in various fields including anthropology, Korean history, Historical Geography, international law and politics, etc for last 1 year has been combined as a book.

  This collection deals with criticism on <Final Report of Investigative Research On Takeshima Issue>(hereinafter \'final report\') announced in March, 2007 by Takeshima Issue Research Society of Shimane, Japan as a special edition. In the reality where interest toward Dokdo is heightened just like a fad whenever there is provocation of Japan and quickly fades away, the task of examining the final report compiling assertion of Japanese side as a whole and rebutting each and every item was performed for the first time by Dokdo Institute.

 The special edition is composed of \'Study On Dokdo Awareness Shown In Old Map of Korea\' (Kim, Hwa-Kyung), \'Criticism On Analysis of Western-World-Produced Maps In Final Report of Investigative Research On Dokdo Issue\' (Kim, Jung-Sook), \'Dokdo Within Samkuk Tongram Yeojiro Jungjeondo and Ineungdo\' (Hosaka Yuji), \'Study On Dokdo Literature of Japanese Edo Era quoted In Final Report of Investigative Research On Dokdo Issue\' (Kim, Ho-Dong), \'Fabrication of Paradox Surrounding Dokdo Depredation\' (Kim, Hwa-Kyung), \'Investigation On Misinterpretation of Dokdo Kyungyungjajungjeongyangsamssiripjieon\' (Choi, Jang-Geun) and \'Critical Study On Handling of Takeshima Shown in San Francisco Peace Treaty of Tsukamodo Takasi\' (Jung, Gap-Yong) with a title of \'Criticism of Final Report of Investigative Research On Dokdo Issue.\'

 Among these, Professor Kim, Jung-Sook (Department of Korean History, Yeungnam University) is pointing out that \"Japanese researchers were voluntary in selecting maps that become targets of research by performing actions such as including many unnecessary maps or excluding maps that are actually necessary from the scope of analysis.\" Professor Hosaka Yuji (Sejong University) has rebutted by saying that \"this map was an official map of Japanese feudal government admitting that Dokdo is Korean territory by international law.\" on the issue that Japan was not acknowledging the value of Dokdo drawn in <Samkuk Tongram Yeojiro Jungjeondo> of Hayasi Sihei  by saying it is a personal map. Also, by verifying the measuring process of Oki Island (Eunkido) of Ineungdo, it proves that Edomakbu was considering Dokdo as outside the Japanese territory.

 In addition, the collection also inserted \'Investigation On Mixed Case of Dokdo Issue and International Trial\' (Jung, Gap-Yong), \'Historical Change of Ulreungdo and Dokdo\'s Status Seen for Regional Administration System\' (Kim, Ho-dong), \'Historical Record Distortion of Dokdo\'s Historical Research\' (Kim, Ho-dong) and \'Ulreungdo Reflected On Eyes of Doriyi Ryujo during Japanese colonial Period\' (Kim, Ho-dong) with a title of \'Inter-Disciplinary Study On Dokdo.\'

 Prof. Kim, Hwa-Kyung, a director of Dokdo Institute said that \"this research was started from analyzing and examining materials and research results of Japanese side more strictly and as a result, we could prove the fact that insistence of Japan came from imperialistic desire to expand territory in a more objective way. We are planning to publish this book in English and Japanese to widely inform the international society.\" by saying that \"the recent study result is very important from the aspect that it is a development of countermeasure logics on Japan\'s assertion. That\'s because we could directly cope with Japan\'s criticism that Dokdo research of Korea was ignoring Japan\'s material and assertion until now.\"

 Meanwhile, Dokdo Institute was established as the first university annexed Dokdo Specialized Research Center in the country in May of 2005. It is attempting to establish theoretic system on Dokdo Sovereignty and \'Dokdo Studies\' by publishing specialized academic papers <Study of Dokdo>(1-5) and <Dokdo Study Collection> until now. In addition, it has been searching for international cooperation for public announcement of Dokdo Sovereignty by Republic of Korea by opening up domestic and foreign academic contests each year. Besides, it is taking initiative to raise general interest and understanding on Dokdo issue through various educational activities such as opening of Dokdo archive and middle school teacher training, etc. As a result of such effort, it was selected as \'key research center\' from Korea Research Foundation in December, 2007 and designated as \'key research center of policy\' by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in May, 2008.