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Chinese International Student, acting as Student Public Ambassador for Yeungnam University N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2009.01.23 16:04
  • Views : 14801

Sophomore majoring in Management Pan Hao, popular MC for entrance exam presentation
[December 1, 2008]

 “Oh, he\'s not Korean!”, “International student? Awesome!”, “Where is he from?”

 Morning of the 1st at Yeungnam University Mechanical Engineering Hall , Songam Hall. The Student Public ambassador for Yeungnam University that was in charge with being the MC of the entrance exam presentation appeared and stirred things up with his welcoming speech. As this 191cm tall, light-skinned handsome student introduced himself as \"Wo si Pan Hao\" small screams could be heard from the girls. There were also cell phone cameras going off here and there.

 The superstar of Yeungnam University entrance exam presentation is Pan Hao (21), sophomore majoring in management. Born in Luoyang, China, he is an international student who came to Yeungnam University as a freshman in March of last year. Though he did not speak any Korean at first, he studied for a year and a half at Yeungnam University Korean Language Program after graduating from high school. After about two years of college life, his Korean skills improved greatly and he is now able to MC different events. Since September, he has become the 13th \'Yeungnam University Love\', which is the Student Public ambassador for the university.

 He said, \"It was too bad that many international students were unable to get along with Korean students and that they were too busy trying to adjust to college life that they could not make any decent memories.\" He also boasted, \"I am really proud that I am doing something for our school every day and I really feel like a true member of Yeungnam University.\"

 Every night before bed, he gets ready on what to say to test-taking students who he will see the next day. He practices his self-introduction in Korean, Japanese and Chinese as well. In order to respond to the student\'s request to show off his talents, he also sings Ahn Jae-wook\'s song, \'Friend\' in a Chinese version. He does all this to leave a lasting impression to prospective new students coming to Yeungnam University.  

 He said, \"When I first started as the MC for this, I was really nervous in front of the prospective students, but now I am relaxed and enjoy the events and joke around with the students.\" He did not forget to act as the Student Public ambassador adding, \"I hope students will expand their dreams for the future at Yeungnam University, which has Korea\'s best campus and a 61 year old tradition.\"

 Meanwhile, Yeungnam University held enrollment presentations to 23,000 college-entrance exam taking students from the Daegu and Gyeongsan areas from November 17 to the 5th of this month. About 1,500 students from four different high schools visited Yeungnam University every day and the Student Public ambassadors are working hard to recruit students through presentations and campus tours.