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Frozen Tuition Fees, \"Doing the Social Responsibility of the university...\" N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2009.03.09 09:35
  • Views : 14604

[December 16, 2008]
 Yeungnam University announced that tuition fees will be frozen. 

 Tong-ki Woo, president of Yeungnam University, at the last academic affairs committee meeting of the year evaluated and decided on major policies for operations in 2009 such as operation regulations of the Chunma Honors College and Enrollment Outlines. Hyo-soo Lee, who is the 13th president-elect of the university was also present at the academic affairs committee meeting.

 In this academic affairs committee meeting, everyone voted to \'freeze tuition fees\' for 2009. President Tong-ki Woo emphasized that \"Due to the struggling economy there are more students delaying their graduation or not registering for school. Thus it is imperative that we freeze tuition fees in order to do the social responsibilities of the university in such difficult times.\" He added, \"I apologize to the next Executive Board having to pass over the school affairs in such difficult times.\"

 New president-elect Hyo-soo Lee responded, \"I should actually thank you for discussing such a difficult decision with me in advance and asking for my cooperation.\" He added, \"I will minimize ordinary expenses and use our budget more prudently. However, I hope that all of us will work together to reform the scholarship system so that more scholarships could be given to students who actually need it, while expanding our scholarship resources.\"

 Discussion and decisions for major issues for the continuity and consistency of university principles

 In order to help with the smooth transition to the new president, president Woo volunteers to shorten his term by one month

 Meanwhile, Yeungnam University has opened the door to new possibilities of direct election of its president. Woo and Lee working together to maintain continuity and consistency of university policies.

 During the academic affairs committee meeting, president Woo and the academic affairs committee members explained the major current issues and future tasks of the university to help new president-elect Lee get a handle on things. New president-elect Lee listened attentively to president Woo and took notes.

 New president-elect Lee said, \"I came here with the mindset of an intern\" and asked for the help of the experienced academic affairs committee members for administering and managing the university.

 President Woo also discussed about linking the major policies that he worked on during his term in office such as the Chunma Honors College, Law School and \'Chunma Arts Center\' in commemoration of the 60th year of the university. About this, New president-elect Lee stated, \"The university policies should not be severed from the transition of the president because it will only hurt the students.\" He also added, \"Through the second foundation that president Woo has established, we will work hard to make Yeungnam University a world-class glocal university.\"

 Furthermore, in order to help the new president to understand his responsibilities and to help him settle in, president Woo revised the statute and voluntarily shortened his term by one month to set an example of \'graceful departure\'.