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Professors Jang Hyeon-wook and Lee Seung-ho Paper on SCI Journal Cover N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2008.10.06 10:50
  • Views : 15490

\'World First\' report on effects against inflammation, asthma and allergies of Cow Parsley
Opened possibility to develop herbal pharmaceutical products for inflammation and asthma
[July 11, 2008]

The research of professors at the Yeungnam University College of Pharmacy wrote the cover thesis for the prominent SCI journal.

This team consists of Professor Jang Hyeon-wook (56, right) and Lee Seung-ho (50). Their thesis was selected as the Highlighted Paper for the SCI Journal <Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin> issued by the Japan Medicine Association.

This paper is causing a stir because it was the first in the world to report that deoxypodophyllotoxin (DPT), which is the main ingredient of cow parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris), has an effect against inflammation, asthma and allergies. Cow parsley is a type of dropwort that can be found in Korea, Japan, China and Eastern Europe, which is also widely used for Oriental herbal medicines.

In this research, which was a project supported by the central research center of MEST (The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology) starting from July 2003 to June of this year, Professor Lee Seung-ho concentrated on the isolation of deoxypodophyllotoxin (DPT) while Professor Jang Hyeon-wook worked on defining the effects of deoxypodophyllotoxin (DPT) against inflammation, asthma and allergies. In result, Lee was able to isolate 20g of deoxypodophyllotoxin (DPT) from 10kg of cow parsley, while Jang successfully revealed the effects of it through animal tests.

Lee stated, \"Cow parsley has been used for alleviating fevers, discharge of the phlegm, fight against cancer and allergies. It has been empirically known that it worked on lungs and the respiratory system to remove congestions, bring down fevers and stop coughs. However, this research scientifically revealed how allergies were treated through what ingredients of cow parsley, while also revealing that it had much smaller side effects compared to existing medicines for suppressing inflammation and asthma.\" He also added, \"This basically set the foundation for making oriental medicinal herbs a science.\"
Jang, who wrote over 100 theses in international journals through his research and development on medicines to treat inflammation, asthma and allergies said, \"Inflammation, asthma and allergies are the most common ailments of people today. Due to the recent environmental pollution, these symptoms are increasing and becoming more severe and thus, there is a growing need to develop preventive medicines and treatments.\" He also added, \"Based on the results of this study, I will dedicate my life in developing treatments for chronic diseases using herbal ingredients.\"

On another note, the results of this research was reported on the \'Europe-US Cooperative Herbal Society\' held in Athens, Greece.